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Scientists forced the cells to produce insulin

Фото автора: AndrewAndrew

Cell biology specialists were confident that most ells able to differentiate only cells of the same type. Such cells should have the same functions. However, new research showed the opposite.

Scientists from Europe and the United States found that cells of human organism possess specific properties, which are aimed at differentiation. During the experiments, scientists acted on human cells in order to change them original functions.

They worked on pancreatic cells glands that synthesize glucagon. Purpose the action was to change their properties and to force cells to produce insulin. The discovery is very important. It may contribute developing a new method of treating diabetes.

Scientists have conducted studies on mice. They saw that the rodents, which transplanted “manipulator cells” in the pancreas gland, cured of diabetes. However, the symptoms returned as only cells were removed.

The study also showed that cells with modified properties more resistant to the effects of the immune system. This feature gives ability to use for treatment the cells of patient without fear of immune



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