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What are endocrine disorders?

Фото автора: AndrewAndrew

Обновлено: 20 февр. 2019 г.

Endocrine diseases are diseases that arise as a result of a violation of the hormonal balance of a man. Biologically active substances (hormones) - are responsible for functionality of organism. They are responsible for the state of the body, its growth, development, metabolism, etc. The failure of the endocrine system leads to a violation of the hormonal balance. This affects the normal functionality of the human body and manifests itself in the form of various endocrine diseases.


At the moment, there are more than 50 different diseases of the endocrine system. Let's consider their classification:

1. Diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;

2. Diseases of the thyroid gland. This is the most common group of diseases of the endocrine system. This is hyperteriosis, autoimmune thyroiditis, thyroid cancer, diffuse toxic goiter, etc.

3. Diseases of pancreatic islets. One of the most famous and common diseases in the world is diabetes mellitus, from this category of pathologies.

4. Diseases of the adrenal glands. These are adrenal tumors, their insufficiency;

5. Diseases of the female gonads. Also a fairly common type of endocrine diseases;


Any disease of the endocrine system is manifested as a result of following reasons:

1. Deficiency of hormone in the body. The reason for the deficit may be:

1.1. Congenital factor, which is characterized by underdevelopment of these glands;

1.2. Infectious diseases of glands;

1.3. Various inflammatory processes (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus);

1.4. Deficiency of various bioactive compounds and nutrients that are necessary for the

synthesis of certain hormones;

1.5. Autoimmune processes occurring in the body

1.6. Toxicities of endocrine glands and their irradiation

2. Excess of the hormone in the body. The reason for this is the excessive functionality of the endocrine glands;

3. Immunity of the organ or system to effects of any hormone. This disease is hereditary;

4. Synthesis of defective hormones. This disease is rare. The reason is a mutation of some gene;

5. Metabolic disorders. The presence of various pathologies of the liver most often cause endocrine diseases of man. They are caused by a violation of metabolism and transportation of hormones.

6. Simultaneous dysfunction of several hormonal systems. With autoimmune processes, the immune system perceives the tissues of endocrine glands as foreign and begins to attack them, which disrupts their normal functionality and causes endocrine diseases.

Recently, scientists have increasingly come to conclusion that virtually all endocrine diseases of man begin due of violations in the immune system, which controls all cells and organs.


It’s impossible to say which organs can suffer due to endocrine system diseases. Therefore, the symptoms of these pathologies are very diverse:

- obesity or, conversely, a strong weight loss;

- heart arythmy;

- fever and a feeling of intense heat;

- high blood pressure and severe headaches;

- increased sweating;

- diarrhea;

- strong excitability;

- severe weakness and drowsiness;

- deterioration of brain, which is expressed in memory impairment and loss of concentration;

- strong thirst (diabetes mellitus);

- increased urination (diabetes insipidus);

Symptoms of endocrine diseases depend on their type. It is necessary to know in order to deliver a timely and correct diagnosis.


Often endocrine diseases are apparent in external signs. For example, the large size of ears, lips, nose can indicate the presence of acromegaly, a change in configuration of the neck says about pathology of the thyroid gland. The condition of the skin can also indicate the endocrine system. For example, hyperpigmentation of the skin can speak of adrenal insufficiency.

In addition, various instrumental and laboratory methods are widely used for diagnostic of endocrine diseases:

- radioimmunoassay. With the help of radioactive material, determine the amount of hormone;

- X-ray studies;

- Magnetic resonance Imaging;

- ultrasound survey;

- blood test for sugar;


There are a lot of diseases of the endocrine system. Their treatment depends of many factors: the nature of disease, its stage, locality, immunity of the patient, the individual characteristics of the organism. The goal of treating any endocrine disease is the correction of hormonal disorders, the achievement of persistent and long-term remission of pathologies.

Moreover, the most effective treatment of endocrine diseases is a complex therapy of two systems: immune and endocrine.

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Useful information:

Diseases of the endocrine system lead to various complications. Therefore, we recommend you study men's health recipes. You will learn a lot of useful information, for example, skin care facts, that will help you for recovery.

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